Where Can I Serve?
Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is to serve others, beginning in our community and stretching throughout the world. We welcome you to get involved in one of our current ministry opportunities or to suggest others that might fit your gifts better.
Food Pantry
Calvary has a food pantry that serves our area every Tuesday afternoon from 2:00 to 3:30. Unpaid servants help to stock the shelves and assist people who come for help.
Calvary has an active choir that normally sings on the second and fourth Sundays from September through May. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. If you love to use your voice to express your worship to God, you are welcome to become part of this group. We’re also open to have people share their instrumental talents with us during worship.
Media & Technology
Using media to spread the gospel is a privilege of this church. In an age of widespread technology, we have a stewardship to use these tools as best as possible for kingdom purposes. If you have a knack for developing websites, multimedia presentations for worship, or other media tools, we have a place for you.
Hospitality Team
At Calvary, we are committed to making sure that everyone who walks through the doors of our church feels welcome, and we know that nothing says “welcome” quite like food and casual conversation. That’s why we host an informal time of food and conversation between our worship service and Christian education classes. A group of unpaid servants makes sure that the table is amply filled, which helps the conversation flow. We invite you to experience this for yourself and then join the team if hospitality happens to be your gift.
Missions Committee
Our missions committee plans both long and short term projects to reach out to our community, region, country, and world.